Proptech Espresso
Proptech Espresso
Eoin Matthews - Building New Financial Solutions for Homeowners
When understanding the definition of proptech, why does it make sense to look at who the definition is serving? How did a mechanical engineering student make their way to the Boston tech startup scene? What was it like building a social networking company during the pre-Facebook days? Why was Boston the wrong place to try to raise capital for a consumer technology startup in the early 2000s? What was the difference between Amazon and most other e-commerce companies during the post dot-com days? Why were the capital markets so apprehensive about initially participating in a shared equity product? How long did it take Point to get an agreed upon rating methodology for the shared equity product? When did Point issue its first investment securitization? How does the efficiency of the mortgage market today make it difficult to disrupt debt coupon products? How much in origination should the HEI product be doing annually?
Eoin Matthews - Chief Business Officer and co-founder of Point, joins Proptech Espresso to answer these questions and share how helping a friend with the down payment on their first house and unexpectedly getting their money back led to the conviction that there was an incredible opportunity for a shared equity product to help homeowners.