Proptech Espresso
Proptech Espresso
Shannon Diesch - Making Sure Homeownership is Within Reach for Everyone
Does exposure to family entrepreneurship at an early age impact the likelihood of pursuing a startup later in life How extensively is fractional ownership touching the different real estate asset classes? Why is it important to get experience receiving a lot of "NO's" when pursuing a startup idea? Why is it important to find a champion when introducing a new product to a corporation? How did helping stand up the Payroll Protection Program (PPP) during COVID at Capital One prove to be an invaluable work experience? What about the mortgage industry value chain makes it difficult to create products that c reates pathways to more affordable homeownership? What is novel about the equity vs traditional debt structure that Quarter is championing as an instrument for homeownership? Why did Quarter feel it was important to go with a pari passu fee model? How has a focus on compliance shaped the product development timeline for Quarter? Why is education so important for a new home ownership instrument like Quarter?
Shannon Diesch - CEO and co-founder of Quarter, joins Proptech Espresso to answer these questions and share how participating in a high school food science challenge led to an opportunity to collaborate with NASA and its astronauts.