Proptech Espresso
Proptech Espresso
Yael Shemer - Building the Usage Economy for Real Estate
How did an Environmental Sciences degree lead to a career in sustainability? How did attending DesignX at MIT sow the seeds for TULU? Why did Yael become a minimalist? Where did the name TULU originate? Why did TULU believe fast experimentation was extremely important when building an MVP? What did TULU learn early on about customer preferences and did the usage data bear this out? How is the TULU app helping it become a data driven company? Why are brands and retailers partnering with TULU and how was this strategy envisioned from the very beginning? How many different ways does TULU incorporate surveying into its platform? What surprising usage/consumption patterns have emerged with TULU? How is TULU supporting creators and work from home employees?
Yael Shemer - Chief Customer Officer and co-founder of TULU, joins Proptech Espresso to answer these questions and share how her education in environmental science and sustainability initially led to a feeling of slight depression about the state of the world, but that she was able to change this perspective and identifying ways in which she could make a positive change on the environment.