Proptech Espresso
Proptech Espresso
Daniel Heller - Deciphering City Level Real Estate Decisions
How did an investigation into 3D printing houses spark an interest in real estate? On ICON's first marketing flyers, what price did they believe they would be able to sell their 3D printed homes for? Why does Germany build denser housing than the US? Why are there so few books on real estate development? What makes local city real estate decisions so difficult to identify and analyze? How does the age/maturity of a city influence the types of real estate decisions being made? What unintentional action created a lot of interest in ReZone's launch? How many real estate decisions are being made at the city level weekly? Why are researchers so interested in the data that ReZone is producing? How are advancements in AI making ReZone's analysis possible today?
Daniel Heller - CEO and co-founder of ReZone, joins Proptech Espresso to answer these questions and share how starting a business with friends during high school was such a positive entrepreneurial experience that it continues to be revisited amongst them to this day.