Proptech Espresso
Proptech Espresso
Dominic Collins - Taking Control of Digital Asset Rights
Does it make sense to be thinking about proptech as the technology that real estate companies should be building but can't? How is the digital transformation of media companies relevant to real estate owners and operators? Have we already entered a transition point where we are moving from the flat two-dimensional web (screen) to the spatial web (location)? Is the real world becoming the canvas for the digital world, and if so, isn't real estate a huge player in this transformation and the lynchpin to ultimately make this scale? What is unique about outdoor advertising that makes it the one area of traditional advertising that is still growing? How are digital asset rights positively impacting property valuations? Are the tokenization and fractionalization of real-world assets impacting property valuations? Is there a marketplace today for the trading of fractional shares of digital asset rights?
Dominic Collins - CEO & co-founder of Darabase, joins Proptech Espresso to answer these questions and discuss how an early role at a prominent magazine company allowed him to identify opportunities to exploit the disruption of print media and set the stage for a career helping companies successfully navigate digital transformations within their industries.